Refacing Kitchen Cabinets in Pennsylvania

Your one-stop solution for the restore and renovation of your kitchen cabinet in all Pennsylvania.

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Cabinets Refacing Service

In case you’re like many homeowners, planning to maintain the existing setup of your kitchen stay the same, yet desire to revamp & refresh its appearance. Cabinet refacing lets you keep your current kitchen intact all while completely overhauling its entire looks.

Cabinet resurfacing is a great, simple and quick way to give your kitchen a makeover minus the hassle and cost of a complete remodel. In this process we overlay the cabinets frame with self-adhesive veneer and the end panels with 1/4-inch plywood.

refinishing cabinets service 123 kitchen
white kitchen cabinets and countertop

Then we substitute the old doors and drawer fronts with new units. This type of renovation is about a third of what new cabinets will cost, and you can leave the countertop in place to save even more.

Our skillful artisans take accurate dimensions to assure that your new cabinet boxes are perfectly shaped and color matched to your doors and drawer fronts. Finally, the makeover is completed with your selection of new hinges, knobs and moldings.

Cabinets Refacing Service

refinishing cabinets service 123 kitchen

In case you’re like many homeowners, planning to maintain the existing setup of your kitchen stay the same, yet desire to revamp & refresh its appearance. Cabinet refacing lets you keep your current kitchen intact all while completely overhauling its entire looks.

Cabinet resurfacing is a great, simple and quick way to give your kitchen a makeover minus the hassle and cost of a complete remodel. In this process we overlay the cabinets frame with self-adhesive veneer and the end panels with 1/4-inch plywood.

white kitchen cabinets and countertop

Then we substitute the old doors and drawer fronts with new units. This type of renovation is about a third of what new cabinets will cost, and you can leave the countertop in place to save even more.

Our skillful artisans take accurate dimensions to assure that your new cabinet boxes are perfectly shaped and color matched to your doors and drawer fronts. Finally, the makeover is completed with your selection of new hinges, knobs and moldings.